How to deal with Career Surprises

In light of some large companies having end of year lay-offs, I wanted to share some insights, tools and thoughts with those going through it, as well as those who know folks going through it.

Hopefully you never have to deal with the surprising impacts of being laid off, fired, down-sized, right-sized, or simply put in a position where your only option is to leave.  I hope this never happens to you, and in fact, it has only ever happened to me twice.  It has the potential to be devastating.  However, I want to make it very clear – the way you handle this set of circumstances…


Now, you may not think so, but that is the victim voice in your head saying that this was done TO YOU, etc.  The way you handle this type of event, is a great indicator of how you will (or do) handle other pivotal moments in your life.  And you have the CHOICE to either find the silver lining, or be crushed by it.

Harsh?  Maybe.  But I will guarantee you that the person that sees it as an opportunity is the same person that will come out on top of that set of circumstances, where the person who wallows and hides, and counts all the wrongs that were done to them, is the very person who will, indeed be the victim of the circumstance.


Now, you may not have had the opportunity to choose this new reality in which you find yourself, however, you do (and did) have a choice about how you will show up everyday. The personal energy that you display now is how others (recruiters, potential employers, friends who might want to refer you) will see you and think about you as a potential new hire.  This is a basic principle of all my programs.  If you want to be seen as capable, reliable, professional, etc.  that is the energy that you must take on and show from this point forward.

I find that it actually makes me feel better to focus on the positive side, have faith that all will work out for my best and highest good, and that all of this, is just making me stronger, and teaching me resilience.

Still need a little more help?  Here is a link my free downloads from my program.  Check it out – 3 Powerful Actions you can take now to jump start your career!

I really hope this helps you out.

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