Everything is true to the person who believes it

Let me say it again…

Everything is true to the person who believes it.

Because your unconscious mind filters IN whatever evidence you need in order to be “right” about what you believe…

It also filters OUT anything that contradicts, does not support or is not congruent with the belief.

Think about that.

Your unconscious mind is providing you with proof, by filtering in people, events, conversations, ideas, thoughts, and other “input” that supports your belief, or the thing you have told it is important.  AND it is filtering OUT anything that calls into question that belief.  So if you believe that “Building a business is hard” then you will experience everything that makes building a business hard, AND you WILL NOT experience  anything that could make building a business easy!

So, you don’t have to worry about evaluating your beliefs on whether or not they are TRUE.  Your Unconscious Mind will PROVE THEM TO BE TRUE… to you.

So, truth is in the eye (Mind) of the beholder.  Since truth seems to be relevant, maybe a better barometer is for you to evaluate your beliefs on whether or not they serve your highest, best good.

Your beliefs are hardwired, connecting your beliefs to your actions, thoughts behaviors and ultimately the RESULTS you experience. If the end results are not what you want, go to the source – the belief that your mind is trying so hard to support.  If your beliefs are not supporting your best and highest good, then they need to changed!

Wait, didn’t I just say they were hardwired?

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they are permanent.  Your belief about whether or not you can do a thing, have a thing, or be a thing, is simply a thought that got installed at one point, supported by some type of “proof” and so it stayed.

If you have less-than positive, realistic, and resourceful beliefs, you’ve been suffering their negative effects for years – probably without realizing the connection between your beliefs and your results.

Over the years I’ve noticed that most people aren’t aware of what they believe, because, most likely, they’ve never examined their beliefs. A key step in replacing beliefs that don’t serve you is to discover what you currently believe.

How can you change these beliefs?

Here’s a simple way of discovering what you believe. Check out the following list of statements.  Think about which ones you have said about yourself, your team or family, or the world in general.

• “People always take advantage of me.”
• “The world is dangerous and chaotic.”
• “Men always leave me in the end.”
• “People will ultimately figure out I am a fraud.”
• “I can’t seem to do anything right.
• “I’m never going to be a success.”
• “Making money isn’t spiritual.”
• “Finding new clients is hard.”
• “Starting a business is too difficult, I doubt I am smart enough to do it.”
• “People will never love me.”
• “No one cares about me.”
• “I’ll never get out of debt.”
• “I’m defective.”

Can you think of a few I left out?  Add them in!

If you have these, or ones that are similar (NOTE: anything that limits complete happiness, success and joy is on this list!)  you need to change them IMMEDIATELY!

Here is an interesting point – even a belief like one from the list, although it might seem completely unrelated, may be stopping you from achieving the results you want in another area!

Fun exercise

So a fun way to begin to shift your beliefs is to do a Contrast List!

Step 1.

Take some of the beliefs from the list that you feel apply to you, list them on the left side of a paper with a line down the center.  Add any other statements you know are specific to you.

Step 2.

Directly across from each statement, write a juicy, empowering, motivating belief you WANT to have.  Have fun with this!

Step 3.

Read through the list, left to right – Old belief, then new belief.  Notice what feelings you have when you read each one.  If you feel resistance when your read the positive empowering statement, ask yourself what that is?  Is it disbelief?  Is it fear?  Is it JOY?  Is it POSSIBILITY?  If it is not a good feeling, maybe the positive statement is not congruent with you or what you want in your life.


If this has created a whole new perspective on what you want, your life and your potential future — CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Now you have a motivating train  of thought that can inspire new ideas, beliefs and outcomes!

Try the new belief statements out as affirmations!

Write them in your journal for 15 minutes, either as a repeating list, or as an essay topic!

I would love to hear your results, thoughts and comments on this!



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