Wired For Success Coaching
Do you want to drop the stress-outs and freak-outs when there are setbacks?
If you are
… triggered by external forces – reacting with stress, anxiety, fear and anger
… worried and anxious about future events – playing them out in the worst possible way
… in fear of judgement or what other’s think – not asking for help for fear of looking incompetent
… giving up on sleep because there’s too much to do and no one else really sleeps anyway, do they?
Rewire to Reimagine, Refocus, and Redefine Your Professional Life
This breakthrough package is designed for professionals are ready to JUMPSTART their mindset, uncover their potential, ditch their limitations, change their beliefs and take massive actions toward getting on track to the life, business, career and future they desire. I only accept a limited number of private clients per year, so let’s talk right away to see if we are a fit!
In this powerful 90 day package I will personally walk you through empowering discoveries, intensive customized work, and utilize brain training processes that you need to integrate right now.
Here is what we will do together:
Brain > Mindset > Results
- Learn how to get rapid results
- Take advantage of the link between thoughts and results
- Learn to let go of the paralyzing limitations that keep you from your desire
Develop “Right Thinking” Patterns
- Learn to control your inner-voice to support your desire
- Get clarity and certainty about all the possibilities you can achieve – Stop Default Living
- Laser focus on your result with all your senses and emotions
Let Go of Invisible Limitations
- Rewrite your beliefs about your abilities
- Design your limitless future
This exclusive private coaching package will guide you through specific experiences, provide you with powerful tools and processes that will unlock your power, confidence and ability to build more success, happiness and reward in your personal and professional life.
Here is what you will get:
3 months exclusive private coaching package with Vicki Edge:
- 13 Weekly private coaching Zoom calls (45-90 minutes each)
- Because we are creating new habits, new ways of thinking and behaving, those need to be reinforced DAILY, so we will meet weekly, along with your email opportunities so you stay on track to your success.
- Unlimited email or text access between calls (24 hour response time)
- Because life happens… and so we can stay on track. If you have a boulder in your path, I’m there for you!
- 2 additional SOS calls to be used anytime during the program for emergency or Just-In-Time support
- Again, because life happens, and sometimes it is gonna take more than an email or text!
- Library Collection of meditations, visualizations, affirmations, recordings including the scripts to the audio affirmations.
- This collection is designed to give you choices while keeping you on track to reach your goals.
- Success journal and results activity tracker
- What you focus on expands – when you focus on your successes and your activities and progress, you will begin to see more, plus you will have a record to refer back to.
- Recordings of all sessions
- A recorded record of our sessions because occasionally, both of us will say something so brilliant, it needs to be recorded!
- Customized audios specific to your needs using NeuroInnergy technology
- As we work together, we will identify specific affirmations, visualizations, and meditations that I’ll want you to work on, so I will customize them just for you!
- Additional training and learning opportunities to support your specific desired results
- Sometimes you just need to learn something new, and learning is different than coaching, so this gives us those chances!
- Exclusive Intensives to eliminate any negative emotions
- You have been living your life, making decisions and seeing from the perspective of all your experiences. The fear, anger and other emotions trapped in the past, color your future in a very limiting way – we’re gonna change all that!
- Customized work to rewrite limiting and sabotaging belief systems
- Just like the negative emotions, your beliefs were created from your past experiences, too, and some of them are limiting and sabotaging your opportunities. We’re gonna change that too!
- Exclusive access to my NeuroInnergy Audio Library of powerfully designed and engineered Meditations, Visualization, Sleep audios and so much more!
- This library contains some powerful content that helps you to make the changes, shifts, and progress you want, faster and more effectively than without it!
Schedule a free Success Breakthrough Call and lets talk about how this program will skyrocket your results!
Schedule a Success Breakthrough Call Now!
So, what is it costing you if you DO NOT make a change?
If you don’t get the help now, how do you plan to achieve your big amazing goals? If you have been struggling where you are, waiting for someone to notice your awesomeness, or waiting until you are 100% qualified to make your move, it could be costing you thousands of dollars a year!
“Men are confident about their ability at 60%, but women don’t feel confident until they’ve checked off each item on the list.”
Harvard Business review
“Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified”
by Tara sofia mohr
August 25, 2014
Now do you see why you may feel that it will never be your turn? This fact alone is reason enough for you to reach out to me and get support now.
Staying put, staying quietly in line waiting patiently is costing you money, opportunities, visibility, recognition, and the respect you so richly deserve.
Schedule a Success Breakthrough Call and lets talk about how this program will change your world!