As a leader, it feels pretty amazing to achieve a goal or succeed at a task. But, it is inspiring, empowering, soul-satisfying, and gratifying to help others find their path, and figure out what their own road to success looks like. You may want to tell them, do it for them, or even prevent them […]
Understanding your Natural Success Channel Once you have identified what has come into your life experience through your success channel, and how it got there, you will be better able to recognize when you have a free flowing channel and when you have a channel filled with unpleasant, negative or unwanted things. Let me remind you and build […]
Self-Image: re-painting your subconscious reaction to YOU The next key to tapping into this Success Channel is your self-image. Your limiting beliefs about your entire life are locked away in your subconscious, collected and tied up in a little box called your self-image. Your self-image influences your confidence, self-esteem, even your ability to get up in […]
Clarifying your Dream Allowing life to unfold by default is how 90% of the world lives. Keep this in mind, your Natural Success Channel is working for you, everyday, bringing to you the things you focus on most – good, bad, on purpose or by default. Every journey has a target destination. If you do […]
So those of you who know me very well, you know that I am a very positive person. I don’t get Angry, or hold grudges or hold on to “injustices.” Well, an event happened earlier this year, in late January that tore a hole in that mantle. I became obsessed, stressed, angry, hateful, resentful, negative, […]
So, for those of you who know me, you know that I use the law of attraction in my life to define my life. Some days I am more successful at it than others. For example a few years ago, I was surrounded with negative energy, disguised as people saying they were “positive people.” I made […]
Today I gave a second chance to a person that had a big heart, but had made some egregious errors in judgement. Why would I do that? People are people, right? We each have perspectives, we each have experiences that we bring into interpersonal relationships. What if we judged everyone on their first, second or […]
Taking stock of your goals or accomplishments for the past year, helps you to understand if you have spent the year treading water, or if you have spent your effort and time as you had every intention to do last New Years Day. I applaud those of you who set out to reach your goals […]
Have you ever heard of the One Degree Shift? No, I’m not talking about the Polar Shift, or even global warming. I am speaking of making changes in your life. According to Tony Robbins, “One degree or one millimeter … of perception change or angle change, means the difference between success and failure, moving on […]
First of all, what is a mindset? The dictionary defines mindset as: mind·set or mind-set (mndst) n. A habitual or fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations. An inclination or a habit. So we know that if you have a fixed way of looking at something, like your […]