A Powerful, Yet Simple and Free Tool to Release Fear and Anxiety

Happy Hormones – What they are and how they work

When you focus on the positive outcomes for any given situation (i.e., an upcoming speech, an employment opportunity, a game-changing conversation), the delicious “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are released and flood your brain. These wonderful natural brain chemicals make you feel so motivated, optimistic, and confident to not only achieve your goals and dreams, but to dominate the outcomes and opportunities by finding new perspectives, ideas and solutions.

On the flip side, when your focus is on the negative outcomes of those same situations, especially specific future situations,  you are actually experiencing “Future-paced Fear,” or Anxiety. These feelings are caused by the chemicals produced by your brain – the Fight-Flight-Freeze hormone called adrenaline and the stress hormone, cortisol! These hormones shut down not only the the motivation part of your brain, but close off any new perspectives, ideas, confidence or inspiration for other outcomes, by igniting and feeding what we call the Fear Circuit.  The Fear Circuit is a devastating loop where your brain produces chemicals that create your fear and anxiety, which then causes more of the chemical to be produced, amplifying your feelings even more. It is a downward spiral, and when you are experiencing it, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

More Happy Hormones Please:

You have access to a powerful tool to conquer all this over-reaction that feeds this fear circuit.

I have researched and studied the latest brain research and advances in neuroscience to develop targeted solutions, so you can learn how to not only overcome your fears but use  your “Happy Hormones” to get the results you want!  This is why I want to share with you that your fear and anxiety do so much more than just flood your body with unpleasant hormones – those feelings actually shut off your ability to see any other possible outcomes!  We need more Happy Vibes! Learn more here.

How YOU Benefit:

I was recently asked to speak on anxiety, and offer to a global audience a tool that would help to alleviate anxiety quickly and easily. I am happy to say that I have now put that same tool on my website and you can get it for FREE! Click here to learn more about Fear and Anxiety, and how you can release it in favor of  optimism, in less that 10 minutes… FOR GOOD!

As you incorporate powerful, uplifting tools that really work, and work fast, along with techniques to train your brain for success, you can do anything.

You can retrain your brain to conquer your greatest fears, guilt, anger, sadness and more with the latest evidence-based technologies and methodologies from cognitive neuroscience and psychology.

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